
Showing posts from September, 2020


Something that teachers should do differently. They should slow things down they talk to fast at times, and then they move on to something else just as quick.


 Questions: 1. Please describe three examples of symbols you encounter in your life. 2. Please describe two possible meanings of the green light at the end of Daisy's dock in  The Great Gatsby . 3. What are some ways people are similar to animals? 4. What is the one major way people are different from every other animal, including other hominid species? 5. How does telling stories -- and inventing symbols -- empower people to organize in large numbers? 1. money, grades,  2. where his love of his life stays, and that he has her to himself 3. We mate, eat, talk, give birth, and build. 4. we share stories  5. They all are sharing their believes, and  they become one as a team